Tik Tok

TikTok Takeover: Nailing the Job Hunt in the Age of Social Media

Over the past several years, we have witnessed a huge disruptor in the traditional recruiting industry. In addition to traditional style recruiting, we’ve seen a surge of recruiting opportunity on TikTok. The platform, once known for dance moves and viral challenges, is making waves in the hiring landscape. It is interesting to consider how TikTok has and will continue to reshape traditional recruiting and hiring processes.

TikTok: Beyond Dance Moves

Previously synonymous with dance-offs and lip-syncing, TikTok has evolved into a hotspot for job seekers and recruiters to connect. The platform's algorithm goes beyond viral videos, actively linking talented individuals with companies looking to hire.

Visuals Speak Louder Than Words

Especially in fashion, home, and beauty, where visuals are crucial, TikTok serves as a virtual runway. Job seekers now have the opportunity to visually showcase their skills, emphasizing a show-don't-tell approach. Creativity and innovation take center stage.

Building a Brand and Staying Engaged

Beyond job hunting, TikTok is a platform for brand building. Companies and agencies share narratives that go beyond standard job descriptions. Success stories, behind-the-scenes glimpses, and industry insights contribute to creating a sense of community.

TikTok, Talent, and You

Whether you're a job seeker showcasing your skills or a brand seeking talent, you may want to consider using TikTok as a resource for recruiting. The job hunt becomes more dynamic and streamlined.

At EB, we are always staying on top of the latest hiring trends. We have access to many tools and resources that we utilize to find our clients the most experienced brand-fit talent. Should you need an extra hand in hiring, we’d love to partner with you.


  • TikTok for Business

  • SHRM – "Social Media Recruiting Tips for HR Professionals"

  • Fashion Workie – "How Social Media is Changing the Face of Fashion Recruitment"

  • Forbes – "The Power of Personal Branding on TikTok"

  • LinkedIn Talent Blog – "The 4 Essentials of Social Recruiting"

TikTok Takeover: Today's Hottest Marketing & Hiring Tool

Emerging Blue TikTok Takeover Blog

Among all the social media platforms and channels, there is only one that has taken over like no other: TikTok. With over 1 billion users in over 150 different countries, TikTok has quickly taken center stage and is changing the ways of digital marketing as we know them.

TikTok has established itself not just as a social channel, but as a destination for all things beauty and fashion. The app has sparked and circulated some of the most popular trends in clothing styles, skincare routines, makeup hacks, and more.

Many brands are recognizing the app’s influence on consumer purchasing and have begun incorporating TikTok as a key tool in their digital marketing strategies.

Brands can build off of trends by understanding the wider tendencies they reveal, and tap into specific trends by using them to tell stories about existing products.”

Given the platform’s algorithm, TikTok provides marketers an avenue for reach and engagement. Even without an established following or presence, as long as there is appealing content, audience engagement is bound to follow. This makes TikTok a social media platform with some of the highest engagement rates.

Brands are finding that there are two major ingredients to a successful TikTok campaign: Authenticity + Consistency

As brands continue to evolve their digital marketing strategies, they’ll have to add TikTok to their list of platforms. Through authentic and consistent content, brand deals with influencers, and participation in recent trends, brands can easily fast track to increased awareness, engagement, and creating a larger, loyal customer base.

In a job seekers’ market, TikTok can also be used as a recruiting platform. Many brands have shifted their use of TikTok to recruit summer interns or digital marketing related positions. By advertising these jobs through catchy reels with a link to the job application, brands have been able to take advantage of TikTok’s evolution as a creative alternative to the traditional job board or application/hiring process. “TikTok has already recognized its potential as the next big jobs platform, launching a #TikTokResumes pilot program” in 2021.

 Another trend to note is that candidates have been using TikTok as a way to showcase their creative work. For positions in the creative or artistic fields, TikTok can be an extension to potential candidate’s portfolio, providing brands with a clearer understanding of a person’s real time work.

Whether you’re a brand marketing a product, a hiring manager seeking talent, or a candidate showcasing your portfolio, TikTok demonstrates its ability as a tool to be used by nearly anyone and everyone in the workplace.

Articles referenced:

Tik Tok Beauty Influencers Dominating the Space

Tik Tok is disrupting the social media space with it’s fun platform where people can share short videos that inform, inspire and create joy. Tik Tok has 800 million active monthly users, and according to Hootsuite, it is the number one most downloaded app of 2020. With the huge popularity of Tik Tok, beauty influencers have made their way to the platform to showcase new and innovative beauty trends.

We have blended together a list of our favorite Tik Tok Beauty Influencers that we think you should follow! Check their work out below.

Rowi Singh