
Talk With Talent Leaders Every Wednesday


We have great news! We’re holding “Office Hours” every Wednesday from 12 p.m. - 1 p.m. pacific standard time. “Office Hours” is a virtual event where staffing, recruiting and talent leaders answer any question you may have. This weekly virtual event is open to anyone and everyone!

If you have questions about job searches, how to write a resume, interview tips or perhaps networking strategies, then jump in to get all your questions answered by a panel of staffing and recruiting leaders. If this or next Wednesday does not work for you, do not sweat it… we are hosting the virtual event every Wednesday, so drop in to whichever virtual ZOOM session that works best for you.

Click here to register for the weekly Wednesday event — or use this link to join in last minute.

We look forward to supporting all of the job seekers out there!

Digital Networking 101


Digital networking is the way of the networking landscape nowadays. Whether you are connecting with past colleagues and mentors or joining professional associations, to build and maintain your network is critical. A Forbes article interviewed J. Kelly Hoey, author of Build Your Dream Network, where Hoey says  “networking is not a singular activity.” It does not start and stop at you adding a new connection on LinkedIn or handing someone your business card, but more so “it is every interaction throughout your day, both online and off. Your e-mail signature line, the article you share on LinkedIn and the person you choose to sit next to at lunch are all part of the mix,” states Hoey.

Our team at Emerging Blue hosts virtual round table events on ZOOM where we discuss strategic ways of networking online. In the sessions we go over effective ways of networking, and even learn a few tricks ourselves with each new group we host! It is agreed upon that LinkedIn is by far the most productive networking platform, but aside from LinkedIn, there are other networking platforms where you can meet like-minded professionals. For instance, platforms such as Lunchclub and Ladies Get Paid are beneficial networking tools. Lunchclub sets you up with virtual meetings with similar professionals while Ladies Get Paid is a Slack channel that offers resources, tools and a community for women. Another useful platform is MeetUp.

Key points to remember about networking are to make sure to offer up support and pay it forward. Helping others can go a long way. We always say plant those seeds now and keep watering them and soon they will blossom. In this case, keep checking in on the people in your network and never let the relationships turn cold; keep them warm! While offering support, it is key to be genuine in the process. You always want to continue to create positive energy and in the end it is all about building those relationships. For example, since LinkedIn is a top platform to use for networking, it is a great place to start. Look for people to add to your network who you went to school with, past colleagues, and companies that inspire you. If you see someone you know works for a company that you are interested in or has a mutual connection with someone, ask for an introduction. We all rise by helping others. And lastly, stay motivated. Networking, applying for jobs, interviewing, following up after interviews, and repeating the process over and over can be extremely tiring. Do not give up. It is okay to take a moment for yourself and to practice selfcare, but then get back to watering those seeds and building those relationships because it will pay off.

Click here to read more about LinkedIn and networking.

Be sure to follow us on LinkedIn to stay up to date on all of our virtual learning events, jobs, industry news, and much more!

Learn About Digital Networking!


{ Calling all Students + Graduates }

You are invited to a Zoom event  – Digital Networking for Students + Recent Graduates.

When: Aug 19, 2020 12:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Register in advance for this networking event with Emerging Blue:


Join Christina on Tuesday, May 5 for a Talent Talk

Christina. Jones_Emerging Blue

Have you been laid-off or thinking about making a change in this current environment? What can you do to stand out from the mass of candidates flooding the market? Should you just play it safe and stay put?

We invite you to an interactive live conversation to answer: What's happening in the job market today? How you can survive, if not thrive, job searching right now.

Join Christina Jones, along with Laura Leach, and other seasoned recruiters on Tuesday, May 5th at 1:30 PST. Register here to the #FREE live event: