
Under The Influence: A New Era of Digital Marketing

With ever changing marketing trends, apparel brands are always adopting new strategies to remain relevant and competitive in the industry. For direct to consumer and eCommerce brands, the majority of marketing is conducted online through various digital platforms. The societal power of social media has created an entirely new space for digital marketing known as influencer marketing.

Influencer marketing is when brands partner with nano or micro-celebrities with large social media followings to promote their products on their personal platforms. This new marketing strategy has been adopted by many brands, especially in the fashion and beauty industries, due to its proven effectiveness and affordability.

Influencer marketing is a great strategy for brands with target consumers of Gen X and millennial age. With a consumer base nearly engulfed in social media, brands are able to meet their target customers right where they are, on the platforms that they use daily. In addition to the ease in reach, influencers tend to have more personal and meaningful engagements with their audiences compared to bigger name celebrity counterparts. When influencers promote a product to their niche community of followers, their audience tends to trust their opinion as if it were coming from a friend, and thus are more likely to purchase said product. According to Shopify, “61% of consumers trust influencers’ recommendations–more than 38% who trust branded social media content.”

Another attractive feature of brand deals is their affordability in comparison to the cost of traditional platforms and resources used for advertising. In the long run, partnering with influencers has proved to be more cost effective in comparison to other paid media tools. The influencer marketing industry is booming at a worth of $13.8 billion and doesn’t appear to be slowing down anytime soon.

Click the links below to learn more about influencer marketing.

Are you on trend? Peak retail hiring trends for Q3 and Q4

Hiring trends in the retail industry typically remain similar from year to year, however, as retailers rapidly approach peak seasonal hiring this year, many brands are adopting new strategies.

Brands noted that in late 2021, they struggled to staff their stores and omni channel supporting teams in time for the peak season. This time last year, brands were still battling COVID safety protocols, retail burnout, and symptoms of the great resignation, all on top of the typical retail talent fluctuation during 3rd and 4th quarter.

It’s time to start talent acquisition planning for the 2022 peak season. Here are some of the latest retail staffing trends that may be the key to securing top retail talent prior to the 2022 holiday season.

1.      Virtual recruiting: Since the pandemic, brands and talent have grown accustomed to Zoom and other forms of virtual meetings. To make the talent acquisition process more seamless, brands are meeting their desired talent where they are, quite literally, and minimizing friction in the hiring process by keeping as much of the hiring process virtual as possible.

2.      A shift in social recruiting: Social recruiting typically used to occur in-store or at hiring events and soirees. This season, to reach talent where they spend majority of their time, brands are advertising their job openings and conducting outreach via social media and other digital tools.

3.      Creating a seamless hiring process: Brands are making a seamless hiring process a priority in 2022. Convenience is key, and from start to finish, brands are improving their applicant systems, better training and developing their hiring managers, and creating an overall more efficient and effective hiring experience. Smoother processes represent an organized and secure workplace for candidates.

4.      Hiring generalists and specialists (play to strengths): Diversifying your talent team creates a healthy balance of those with broad skillsets and those who can excel within a specific area of roles and responsibilities. Help your retail team work smarter, not harder.

5.      Brands are communicating offerings for continued development, training, and education as greater incentive: Talent is often looking for the “value added” when accepting new opportunities. Many brands have started to adopt these offerings and share with talent as a draw to join with discounts, benefits, etc.

6.      Nature Vs. Nurture:  Brands are focusing more on brand DNA fit vs. the perfect skillset match during the interview process. In doing this, brands are finding that this yields greater investment from the talent, performance, and retention. You can learn more about finding the perfect fit and brand DNA on our Blog":

The Perfect (out)Fit

Brand DNA- Finding the Authentic Match 

Brands that are exploring these hiring trends and are assessing their own creative approaches to what they need talent wise for the season, are seeing great return on their efforts. Now is the time to start assessing and frontloading peak hiring talent needs to ensure a well-supported remainder of Q3 and a seamless and fruitful Q4.



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Retail Staffing Trends to Watch This Holiday Season