Resume Tips

Resumes Done Right

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Resumes matter! That is why we are resharing these helpful resume tips from a post we wrote in 2020.

As a recruiter, we cannot tell you how many times we’ve received resumes with missing details, incorrect contact information, and tons of misspellings. A well-constructed, tailored resume goes much further than a generic, outdated one. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are close to 10 million unemployed people. With that, as a Jobseeker it is make-or-break to have a resume that stands out, and gets your foot in the door. Read below for our helpful tips and tricks that will freshen up your resume.


Now let’s take a closer look at each section to go over the important parts. First we are going to examine the left side of the resume with the contact information, skills, education, and personal interests:


Next we will show what to include in the profile/professional summary section and the professional/relevant experience section:

We hope these practical tips support you as you create your newly updated resume. If you are looking for more resume help you can reach us via email for one-on-one resume assistance: info@emergingblue.comYou can also check out our previous resume wr…

We hope these practical tips support you as you create your newly updated resume. If you are looking for more resume help you can reach us via email for one-on-one resume assistance:

You can also check out our previous resume writing blogs: Top 5 Resume Tips from a Recruiter, Resumes, It’s the Little Things

Sign-up for Virtual Office Hours


Staffing, recruiting and talent leaders from Emerging Blue are holding virtual Office Hours every Wednesday from 12 p.m. - 1 p.m. pacific standard time. Office Hours is a virtual event where candidates and job seekers can chat with Emerging Blue leaders to get career and job support in all areas. This weekly virtual event is open to anyone and everyone, and is great for people who have questions about job searches, need help with writing/editing a resume, perhaps you need interview tips for your upcoming virtual interview, or maybe you want to learn new networking strategies. Whatever your career need is, we are here to help!

Click here to register for the weekly Wednesday event — or use this link to join in last minute.

Want to know more about us? Emerging Blue is a staffing and recruiting firm that is built on people, and passion to do good.  We are a group that believes in supporting one another and helping others find that support. We partner with people and companies alike to align talent and brands.  We know every day is new, and with that, is an opportunity to embrace a new you.  Emerging Blue. New Day. New You.

Resume Tips and Ideas

If you’re in the market for a new job and sprucing up your resume, check out some awesome tips from the EB Crew.

Resume Tips_Emerging Blue

Images below are zoomed in for a closer look.


If you are looking for more resume tips you can:

Top Five Resume Tips from a Recruiter

Your resume should tell your amazing story!

Simply put, we love to find and place creative talent!  However, as recruiters we have come to realize that applicants do not have a clear understanding of the recruitment, application and hiring processes. In turn, we see applicants send in old resumes with missing jobs and roles, put incorrect contact information on their resume and cover letter, and do not maximize their resume format in the best ways. Our team of Talent Matchmakers here at Emerging Blue pride ourselves in helping job seekers find jobs, so we have put together a list of the top five resume tips that will help any job search.  

Submit an updated resume

We cannot stress enough the importance of an updated and current resume. Even if you are currently employed and do not have plans to transition to a new job, it is extremely beneficial to always keep an updated resume saved on your computer or your iCloud. In addition to always having an updated resume, your resume needs to tell your amazing story! You have achieved big things, so be sure your resume reflects your true accomplishments, and does not simply list your duties and tasks of each job you held. Additionally, your LinkedIn profile should match your resume (making sure job titles and dates align) or it could confuse the recruiter, HR manager or company. 

The “Summary” is an overview of your greatest skills

Now that you have an updated resume on hand, it is imperative that your “Objective” or “Professional Summary” on your resume matches the position you are applying for.  This means you may need to tweak the “Objective” or “Professional Summary” for each application you submit.  Recruiters have time constraints when reviewing resumes, so help recruiters out and showcase your skills and achievements in an easy to read format, and whenever you can toss in numbers – do it! For example, a well-written “Professional Summary” would read, “Cosmetics Marketing Manager with 15+ years’ experience leading beauty brands to success, while saving clients $500k a year in costs.”

Understanding Applicant Tracking Systems

There is a lot of talk out there about Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS). Simply put, ATS’s house resumes and candidate information for companies. When applying to a company, some companies have it set up where once you submit your application you are automatically input into their ATS while others have it set up where they manually enter the information into the ATS. A key point to remember is that some systems are automated to catch key words.  Particularly if you are using an image-based resume – such as a PDF – sometimes ATS’s cannot extract the information from the image-based file to catch the key words. Therefore, set yourself up for success and submit your resume as a Word Document.

Email Address Etiquette

Next up is the importance of a professional email address. You are probably thinking, ‘what is wrong is my email address’ or ‘does my email address really impact the recruiter or hiring manager’s perception of me?’ The short answer is YES. Email addresses matter. They actually matter a lot! The first thing to make certain is that your email address is correct. Many times, we’ve reached out to applicants and candidates to hear ‘oh, that’s my old email address’ or ‘I should have updated that, I don’t have the password for that email account anymore’ or sometimes no reply at all because the email and phone number were incorrect. It is important if you are job searching to make sure you have the correct email address and phone number listed so that recruiters and hiring managers can get into contact with you. It also shows that you’re detailed, organized and highly conscientious. If you cannot update your resume to reflect your current email address, do you think a company will want to hire you as a manager?

Another aspect to consider with email address etiquette is the format of the email address. As a job seeker and applicant, it is critical to have a professional email address. Our best advice is for applicants and job seekers to create a specific email account strictly for job purposes. When creating a professional email address, it can simply be your first and last name combined together. For example, or (those are not real email address). Lastly, it is best to not use email addresses like  or biga$$ While we are all human and want to show our fun and unique personalities online, it is best to remain professional while job searching, so leave behind the sexy420 and the biga$$ email addresses, and create a professional looking email address.

Spellcheck, spellcheck, and spellcheck again

The last key point we want to go over is spelling and grammar. You never want to ruin your chances of landing a job right at the resume review stage, so watch out for misspelled or incorrectly used words on your resume. Many times we have seen the title “manager” spelled “manger” as well as the incorrect use of their, there, and they’re. Always use spellcheck and read your resume aloud to catch any spelling or grammatical errors. Reading a resume aloud also helps to create a conversational tone to your resume.

About Emerging Blue:

Emerging Blue is a creative recruitment agency that represents full-time and freelance talent in Fashion, Home and Beauty. We fill jobs from San Francisco to New York, and everywhere in-between. We represent top candidates, the hottest brands and innovative companies of all shapes and sizes. If you need recruitment and hiring support, we would love to support you. We have filled jobs from Technical Designers and Brand Managers to Luxury Retail Store Managers and Sales Associates. Our talent is your strength.

Hey Job Seeker - When it Comes to Resumes, it’s the Little Things


Recruiters receive hundreds of resumes for each job they post and many of them have quick ways to weed through those that don’t stand out from those that are a good match for the job. While there are a lot of call-outs on your resume that will get you in the door for an interview, there are a few small things you can do to keep you ahead of the pack.

1. Title of your resume file. Your name and Resume. That’s it! Make it easy for the recruiter and hiring managers to find your resume. We get all sorts of resumes sent to us with file names such as initials, version numbers, ‘professional resume’, etc.  These can be distracting and take away from the important thing about the resume – you!

2. Match your skills to the job. Make sure the skills you highlight in the top portion of your resume are a match for the skills in the job description. It may be more time consuming to change it for each position but it will keep your resume from appearing generic.

3. Spell check! It’s easy, painless and will show that you paid attention when putting your resume together. This brings us to….

4. Attention to Detail. Make sure all your information, job titles and company names are correct. We recently received a resume that listed San Diego, IL at the top – a city that doesn’t exist. A small detail but it made us wonder if they would bring the same lack of attention to their job.

We see these mistakes more than you would think. These tidbits are easily fixed and are often just oversights. Take the time to really review your resume and fine tune it – it could help you get that next interview!