
Spring Cleaning Your Network

Organize Your Network_Emering Blue

Set yourself up for success and keep your network warm so during rainy days, you will be able to reach out for support.  From current and past colleagues, to individuals in associations, you have a ton of people in your network, you may just not have thought about them until you needed to. We can find ourselves in situations we never imagined, so building and organizing your network will have positive benefits allowing you to leverage a sea of warm and cool connections to potentially lead to new, exciting opportunities.

{ LinkedIn + Facebook }

Since we cannot attend networking events in-person with the current social distancing guidelines, then social platforms like LinkedIn and Facebook are useful tools for you to use to build and maintain your networks. When on LinkedIn, you can click “My Network” to view people you may know from the companies you listed you worked for, the schools you attended, places you volunteered, as well as people in your same industry and similar roles. You can also create a group and add people to it that share similar interests and roles. This is a great way to keep your networks engaged and organized.

{ Warm + Cool Connections }

Another opportunity for organizing your network is to list connections as warm or cool prospects by looking at the strength of each connection in order to determine which they are. This is a great way to see who your low-hanging fruit is, and then continue strengthening those relationships. It also gives insight as to who you need to a build a stronger connection with depending on your needs and wants at the time.  By organizing your network, you may begin to see a lack of needed associates that you can then focus on building strong and collaborative connections, so set solid goals for what you wish to attain.

{ Consolidate + Label }

We have an umpteen amount of contacts stored in our phone, email (many of us have multiple email addresses), Rolodex of business cards, and all the social platforms we’re connected with. It is super helpful to consolidate all your contacts into one document and organize them into categories in the document for when you need to do some outreach to your network. You will know who the best is to contact for what if things are labeled correctly. It’s time consuming and unproductive to search through all your tools to find someone’s contact information, when you can save time and have everything stored safely and neatly in one place. And lastly, save as you go! Set yourself up to achieve and turn on “auto-save” so that you never lose any work, or even better, connect it to your Cloud so you can access the information from anywhere and on any device that has Internet capabilities.

Laid Off? Take a Deep Breath and Then Take Action


· Acknowledge the emotions! It’s totally fine to go through the emotional stages. Whether you’re angry, sad, fearful, shocked, happy… feel it. These emotions will inevitably help you move forward.

· Check unemployment benefits. Reach out to your local state employment agency to see if you’re eligible for unemployment benefits. Click here for more information on filing for unemployment.

· Talk it through. This is a great opportunity to reach out to past friends, colleagues, collegemates, and whoever else is in your network.

· Make a list of companies who are hiring, and then narrow it down to the ones that you’re interested in and passionate about.

· LinkedIn should be your new best friend. If you don’t have a LinkedIn profile set up, then this is the time to make one. If you already have one, update it.

· Network like it’s your job. After you’ve embraced the emotions that follow from being laid-off and have created a road map of companies you’re interested in and where you want to go, next up is to network with people outside of your current network. Don’t forget to add a personalized message when adding new people on LinkedIn.

· Connect with a recruitment agency. Recruitment agencies are fantastic resources to help job seekers as well as they have tons of connections with companies, and even better, they know who’s hiring. Here at Emerging Blue, we love supporting job seekers.

About Emerging Blue:

Emerging Blue is a brand focused talent resource partner that represents freelance, temp-to-perm, and full-time talent in Fashion, Home and Beauty. We fill jobs from San Francisco to New York, and everywhere in-between. We represent top candidates, the hottest brands and innovative companies of all shapes and sizes. If you need recruitment and hiring support, we would love to partner with you. Our talent is your strength. Get in touch with us at