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Talent Spotlight: Natalie Cain

Meet Natalie - a positive and high-energy team player who believes in the power of making connections. Coming from a fashion-focused background, Natalie is well versed in all things retail, merchandising, and e-commerce and loves to pour herself into whatever role she is in. In her past roles, Natalie has been recognized as a hard worker who can get the job done but is also someone whose empathy and love for people has made an impact during stressful times in business.

When asked what her favorite part of her career journey has been, she emphasized the experience of getting to master difficult systems that she never would have seen herself thriving in before. As someone who is not daunted by challenges, Natalie has cultivated the ability to buckle down and tackle new tasks by asking questions, listening to others, and trying to understand the underlying tips and tricks of what makes something click.

In her next opportunity, Natalie is looking for a place to bring her e-commerce skills to the table and would love to tap more into her creative side. Being a big people person, Natalie would love to work within a transparent and well-connected team where she can help others and build meaningful connections. Although work is a high priority, Natalie believes that at the end of the day we're all people who have different voices that need to be heard.

When she shuts her laptop down at the end of the day, you can find Natalie out trying new restaurants, looking up new recipes, at the nursery, or out on the golf range trying to improve her game! Connect with Natalie here or at Emerging Blue.