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Hey Job Seeker - When it Comes to Resumes, it’s the Little Things

Recruiters receive hundreds of resumes for each job they post and many of them have quick ways to weed through those that don’t stand out from those that are a good match for the job. While there are a lot of call-outs on your resume that will get you in the door for an interview, there are a few small things you can do to keep you ahead of the pack.

1. Title of your resume file. Your name and Resume. That’s it! Make it easy for the recruiter and hiring managers to find your resume. We get all sorts of resumes sent to us with file names such as initials, version numbers, ‘professional resume’, etc.  These can be distracting and take away from the important thing about the resume – you!

2. Match your skills to the job. Make sure the skills you highlight in the top portion of your resume are a match for the skills in the job description. It may be more time consuming to change it for each position but it will keep your resume from appearing generic.

3. Spell check! It’s easy, painless and will show that you paid attention when putting your resume together. This brings us to….

4. Attention to Detail. Make sure all your information, job titles and company names are correct. We recently received a resume that listed San Diego, IL at the top – a city that doesn’t exist. A small detail but it made us wonder if they would bring the same lack of attention to their job.

We see these mistakes more than you would think. These tidbits are easily fixed and are often just oversights. Take the time to really review your resume and fine tune it – it could help you get that next interview!